Data Transfer and Instruction Set
Load register with data
Load register with data and copy content of this memory location to register C
Load content of memory location to register
Store content of register to memory location
Input data from port address and out through port address
Display content of memory location into port address
Swap contents of register B and C
Swap contents of memory location
Arithmetic and Logical Instruction Set
Add content of one register and another register and store the result in next register
Subtract content of memory location 5000H from 5001H and store result in 5002H
Add 16-bit data from register pair B and D and store result at HL pair
Load 00H into register B and 10H into register C. Increment content of register B and Decrement content of register C. Store result at memory locations 4000H and 4001H
Load 16-bit data of register pair from another register pair and store result
Branching Instruction Set
WAP to add the content of 4004H and 4005H and store the result and carry in successive memory location
WAP for addition of two 16 bit numbers with carry
WAP to subtract the content of register C from register B and store the difference at register L and borrow at register H
Subtract with borrow
WAP to create a continous loop using unconditional jump instruction
WAP to test the Jump on Zero (JZ=1) condition on arithmetic operation
WAP to test the Jump on Zero (JPE=1) condition on logical operation
WAP to test the jump on negative (S=1) condition on arithmetic operation
Rotate Instruction Set
WAP to rotate left the data byte A1H two times
WAP to rotate right the data byte F1H three times
Rotate left with carry the result of addition (AAH+EEH) three times
Rotate right with carry the result of subtraction (DEH-FAH) two times
WAP to load two data stored in memory location 8000 and 8001 directly to HL register. Add them. If carry exists, rotate right with carry the accumulator result three times, otherwise terminate
WAP to convert the total number of 1 in given bit number
Multiply, Divide and Memory Block Operations
Copy block of memory to another memory location
Swap memory blocks
Sort memory block in ascending order
Sort memory block in descending order
Subroutine, Stack and BCD Conversion
Factorial of a number using subroutine
Sum of squares of the first n numbers
Convert binary to BCD
Convert BCD to binary
Stack implementation and add data directly
Stack implementation and add data indirectly
Use of stack to reverse the number stored in a memory stack and store in the same memory block
Last updated 2 months ago