Practical 3
Demonstrate model, view and controller by showing different action method, views, model, accessing controller, model and view. Solution
Demonstrate use of razor syntax. Solution
Demonstrate use of html tag helper. Solution
Using Entity framework create a table tbl_officer having field (id, name, gender, phone, department and position) after this perform complete CRUD operation (insert, update, display and delete). User proper validation. Solution
Demonstrate different state management technique like SessionState, TempData, HttpContext. Solution
Demonstrate different client-side state management like cookies, Query string and hidden fields. Solution
Write a program to create complete form and validate using jquery and react. Solution
Write a program to demonstrate authentication and authorization (Role, claim and policies) by create a complete form in core. Solution
Write a program to prevent SQLInjectionAttack, Cross Site Request forgery (CSRF) and open redirect attack. Solution
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