Practical 3

  • Demonstrate model, view and controller by showing different action method, views, model, accessing controller, model and view. Solution

  • Demonstrate use of razor syntax. Solution

  • Demonstrate use of html tag helper. Solution

  • Using Entity framework create a table tbl_officer having field (id, name, gender, phone, department and position) after this perform complete CRUD operation (insert, update, display and delete). User proper validation. Solution

  • Demonstrate different state management technique like SessionState, TempData, HttpContext. Solution

  • Demonstrate different client-side state management like cookies, Query string and hidden fields. Solution

  • Write a program to create complete form and validate using jquery and react. Solution

  • Write a program to demonstrate authentication and authorization (Role, claim and policies) by create a complete form in core. Solution

  • Write a program to prevent SQLInjectionAttack, Cross Site Request forgery (CSRF) and open redirect attack. Solution

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